Follow these steps.

- Block the sunlight. Whenever you are not driving, or your car is going to be in direct sunlight, place a sun blocker in your windshield. They are available at your local Autozone, Pep Boys store, or on eBay.
- Purchase or rip old t-shirts to shreds. Auto stores such as Pep Boys or Autzone sell t-shirt fragments that you can use as cloths. It is imperative that you use a cotton product over a paper towel product. Paper towels are made of wood (on the simplest level) and no matter how refined will cause scratching.
- Buy protection. Leather conditioners can be purchased on eBay, at Pep Boys or even at Auto Zone. Armorall or Lane’s Liquid Leather are fantastic products which both stores carry and which will treat your leather.
- Generously spread leather protection. With your cloth in one hand and leather protectant in the other, generously spread the lotion onto the cloth and wipe liberally over seats. Ideally there should be a wet film that is left on each piece of leather in the car. Just like when treating a leather jacket, the lotion will slowly soak in.
- Crack the windows. In the summer, crack (open slightly) the windows to keep the heat moderate in your car. Even when temperatures are only 70 degrees outside, the inside of the car can easily heat up to 100 degrees in the sun. Over time this will fade your leather. By cracking the windows you are relieving such pressure. However, your car’s leather will fair better in colder weather and damage from extreme temperatures will be less of an issue. Congratulations, you have just learned how to care for leather seats in your car!
Read more: How to Care for Leather Car Seats |
leather repair Austin
April 12, 2012 at 3:13 am
Leather car seat should be protected all the time most especially from the direct heat of the sun as this would cause more damage. The mentioned tips could be followed to make sure that proper care would be rendered.