Leaders call on police to take action on careless drivers


Leaders have called on the police take stern action on careless drivers during the burial of Inspector Bernard Surum who died in a road accident in Ntulele, Narok County.

Inspector Surum who was laid to rest at his home in Nairega Nkare was among four who died in a road accident early this month after a Nissan matatu belonging to Narok Line services was hit by a lorry.

The church leaders also called on the Kenya Highway Authority to identify hotspots places and put on bumps saying the Mai Mahiu-Narok road has claimed lives of many Kenyans and something needs to be done.

Narok East Deputy County Commissioner Charles Kitheka they have managed to identify 14 black spots where they will work together with KENHA to make sure speed bumps are erected in the shortest time to ensure safety to all road users.

He added that more traffic police officers will be added on the road to crackdown on unroadworthy vehicles and those not adhering to traffic rules.

In his speech, which was read by Narok North Deputy OCPD Pius Mbithi, Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai eulogized the late police chaplain as a dedicated officer who was a good mentor and counsellor to many.

SOURCE: https://www.kbc.co.ke/leaders-call-on-police-to-take-action-on-careless-drivers/

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