Archive for June 2010

AutoTunes Roll Out - Engines

Jun 29th, 2010 | By | Category: Car Care & Maintenance

Our engines are a vital part of our cars. Engine Tuning can describe a wide variety of adjustments and modifications, from the routine…


2011 Mazda 2 Zoom Zoom

Jun 28th, 2010 | By | Category: Automotive Reviews

I am hoping and praying that the years to come are GREEN years since there’s global warming and all. Future cars should be


Caution: Child Safety First

Jun 25th, 2010 | By | Category: General Information

Good driving habits are vital to keeping families safe on the road, but once drivers become parents, they’re faced with additional safety issues not taught in driver’s ed.


The 2010 Chrysler 300

Jun 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Automotive Reviews

Ok not just the 2010 Chrysler, Chryslers in general, lets face it, there’s nothing much to say about it. But it is a rare car, iv only seen in in three places, at The Tribe Hotel parked, it leaving the parking of Tribe Hotel and it moving towards the Village market near The Tribe Hotel, love that hotel.


Helloooooo Handsome!!!

Jun 24th, 2010 | By | Category: Automotive Reviews

Looking at this car gave me a really nostalgic feeling, i almost cried, its sizzling hot its gorgeous its the Mighty Lexus IS F. You have to get to know the car better to understand the feeling of nostalgia within me and if you don’t feel me you have a problem. Lets begin shall we?!


The Kenyan RDTFs on Car Importation/Exportation

Jun 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: Importing Cars Into Kenya, Media Release

Currently we have new car importation rules at Mombasa so i thought to let you know what is…


Do’s and Dont’s of Driving

Jun 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: General Information

Ladies how many times have you caught a guy staring at you from his ride as he tries to lure by winking at you and you too gentlemen how many times have you driven behind a lady who’s so confused as to whether she’s turning into that clothes shop or not, well doesn’t happen a [...]


CMC Pre-tax Profit at 31% Due to Dwindling Sales

Jun 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Media Release

Dwindling sales and high borrowing costs have pushed car dealer CMC Holdings to record a 31 per cent drop in pre-tax profit for the past six months ending in March. The car dealer says that its pre-tax profit fell to Sh433.6 million, down from Sh631.9 million achieved in the same period last year mainly due to high interest rates from outstanding debts.


Coolest Car Mods

Jun 22nd, 2010 | By | Category: Automotive Reviews

Car modifications are a fun and exciting experience for the adventurous car owners, who love their noble and faithful cars/bikes. Interestingly enough there are a few modifications that we do love our cars to have even though it might not be a necessity.


Police Uncover Car Theft Ring

Jun 19th, 2010 | By | Category: Car Crime & Theft

NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 19 - Police have unearthed a major car-theft syndicate and detained 19 vehicles which have double registration. Police Spokesman Erick Kiraithe said they had arrested four suspects and were interrogating a dozen others on how they acquired their vehicles. He said an investigation into the racket was sanctioned by Police Commissioner Mathew [...]
