Kirinyaga County residents torched a police vehicle after an accident which left two dead.
Police have condemned the Sunday night incident which left one person admitted at the hospital nursing serious injuries.
The road crash is said to have happened when a boba boda carrying two passengers attempted to overtake another vehicle before it crashed with the oncoming police vehicle.
Gichugu Deputy OCPD Alfred Ng’eno said the boda boda rider died on the spot, while one of the passengers succumbed to injuries at Kerugoya Hospital.

Drunk rider
Angry residents together with boda boda riders burnt the police vehicle which is attached to the Kianyaga Police Station.
According to the Deputy OCPD, the boda boda rider was drunk during the Sunday night accident.
The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) showed that motorcycles are the highest cause of death on Kenyan roads.
In 2018, WHO’s global survey of road safety reported that 13,463 Kenyans died in crashes on the country’s roads — a toll more than four times higher than the government’s figure of 2,965 deaths.
Death rates
The rate of road traffic deaths in Kenya far exceeds the global rate and is somewhat higher than the average for Africa, WHO noted.

Sometimes, deaths resulting from road crashes are not reported to the police and some fatalities of this type may not be recorded correctly, WHO experts said.
Pedestrians and cyclists are the victims in 44 percent of all fatal road crashes in Africa, compared to a global average of 26 percent for those types of road users, the report indicates.
Here is the video
Two killed by a speeding police vehicle at Rwambiti on the Kianyaga-Kutus road in Kirinyaga County; angry residents torch the vehicle.
— Robin Njogu (@robinnjogu) August 25, 2019