Footage has emerged of a police officer hanging on a moving truck in broad daylight. Initial reports claim that the person who recorded the incident heard him arguing with the driver.
In the footage, the officer dressed in the new uniform can be seen hanging on the driver’s door with his feet loosely planted on the ramp steps mounted on the heavy-duty truck.
He is then seen making hand gestures suggesting a heated conversation with the driver.
At some point he looks back at the car behind him from which he was being recorded, forcing the unknown cameraman to hide his device.

The recording continues soon after with the officer turning his attention back to the truck driver, while still hanging precariously on the door.
It is not yet clear the traffic offense that was committed to prompt the driver to latch on to the truck while endangering his own life and that of other motorists.
Bizarre incidents of traffic officers caught on tape are well documented, with motorists often complaining of being harassed and forced to pay bribes.
More recently, a police officer was captured on camera as he attempted to deflate the back tire of the vehicle during a traffic snarl-up in Embakasi.
On February 24, Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai announced that all the static traffic officers along the roads would be removed.
Mutyambai, who did not give reasons why the officers are being removed, said they would be replaced with mobile traffic officers.
Deputy Inspector General Edward Njoroge Mbugua added that there will no longer be detention of drivers by traffic police over minor offenses.
Mbugua directed that traffic officers would only be deployed to ensure that there is a smooth flow of traffic in specific areas.
“Traffic officers on duty should have a uniform while on duty and have tags with their name which should not be covered by jackets,” he asserted.
Motorists across various highways have narrated incidences of harassment at the hands of the traffic officers, which is what pushed the police boss to take countermeasures to snip the vice in its bud.
For example, motorists who ply the Nairobi-Nakuru highway have filed numerous complaints after finding themselves in trouble for breaking hazy speed limits.
The highway lacks clear road signs indicating areas where the 50km per hour speed limit restriction begins and ends.