Over the past we have had many inquiries about how duty is calculated. People find this confusing and hard to understand, so in this article we will be looking at the whole process of Duty Calculation and the applicable charges on the same.
1. Customs Duty
This varies by the vehicle you have imported, Customs duty depends on a few factors that you ought to understand that are listed below:
- Make of the Car - i.e Toyota, Subaru, Nissan, Land Rover, BMW, etc.
- Model of the Car - i.e Premio, Forester, Sunny, Discovery, 318i, etc.
- Class of the Car - i.e. Station Wagon, Saloon, Van, etc.
- Year & Month of Manufacture - i.e. 2003/02 (Feb), 2004/06 (June), 2005/12 (Dec), etc.
- Engine Capacity - i.e. 1300cc, 1500cc, 1800cc, 2000cc, etc.
- Engine Transmission - i.e. Manual or Automatic.
- Fuel Type - i.e. Petrol, Diesel, Hybrid.
The reason as to why all the above information is important is because all these details affect the overall Current Retail Selling Price (CRSP) of the car when buying it brand new from the showroom.
CRSP is basically the price that you will pay for a brand new version of the car you are importing (i.e. if you are importing a 2003 BMW 520i, the the CRSP is the price of the car brand new from the showroom).
2. Motor Vehicle Duty Calculation
When calculating duty, Customs takes the CRSP (Current Retail Selling Price) and then deduct margin profit, depreciates it to the cars year of manufacture as per the stipulated depreciation rate, then they deduct the percentage taxes slapped on the price. The remaining amount is what Customs bases their values on. The charges are calculated as follows:
- 25% of the amount as - Import Duty
- 20% of the amount + Import Duty as - Excise Duty
- 16% of the amount + Import Duty + Excise Duty as -VAT
- 2.25% of the amount as-IDF Fee
- The total is payable to the NBK/CO-OP banks as Customs Duty.
- NBK (National Bank of Kenya), Co-operative Bank of Kenya
3. CFS/Port Charges
The CFS (Container Freight Station) charges varies with the size (Volume or cubic measurement) of the unit and the Yard which the vessel discharges/unloads. For vans like Toyota Hiace pay is around Ksh. 30,000/- to 26,000/-, 4 wheel drive cars like Prado it is around Ksh. 34,000/- to 30,000/-, Saloon Cars like Toyota Corrola NZE 11cbm is around Ksh. 22,000/- to 18,500/- . This is what you will pay if cleared within stipulated time allowed by the customs (i.e. 7 days). Its payable against Invoice from the Port/ CFS(Container Freight Station)
4. IDF Fees
The IDF (Import Declaration Form) fees are charged at a rate of 2.25% of the cost of Customs Value. Regardless of your import, Ksh. 5,000/- is payable upfront to Treasury via National Bank/Co-op Bank
5. Shipping Line Charges - Delivery Order Fees
This normally averages Ksh. 10,000/- + VAT which amounts to an average of Ksh. 12,000/-. Payable to the agents of the Vessel/ships which shipped your cargo and it is against their invoice.
6. Clearance Fees
Clearing and Forwarding fees normally depends with the agreement you have with your C&F Agent. Mostly it will range from Ksh. 15,000/- to 30,000/- for the units and 25,000 onwards for Containers. Its a negotiable fee and its paid to the clearing agent. Other costs that may be involved but as per your arrangement are:
- Insurance - (as per your insurer)
- Delivery - (fuel to your destination)
- Driver Charges - (charges for the driver)
- Minor Car Service - (good measure to give the car a clean bill of health for delivery & your initial use)
If you have any more questions feel free to ask. Or use the link below to access an online Car Import Duty Calculator.
I am confused by 2.25% of amount as IDF FEE and IDF Fees 2.75% of customs value (where 5,000/=) is paid upfront. Are these two different things? the other issue is; where is the vehicle registration fee factored in the given guideline? How much is it, say for a Toyota RAV4?
Kindly assist me!
i am importing a 2004(7) Toyota Mark II Blit from Japan with 2500cc, Automatic Transmission and uses petro at a cost of Usd. 2,500.
What will the duty be?
Please clarify on IDF charges / fees for there are 3 conflicting /unclear figures given,
2.25% , 2.75% and a flat rate payment of Ksh. 5,000.00
.Shed light on this.
We would also like you to give us a total calculation for a car RN1- Honda Stream 2004 , 1700 cc, 7 seater,@ CIF MBSA $4425 from Japan arriving on 08- 11- 2011. The car would be delivered to NBI.
It would be better if the quotation is clearly broken as you have nicely categorised the fees for each activity
Kind Request
Hi Nelson and thanks for pointing that our, it was a typo that has now been corrected. IDF is calculated at 2.25% of the customs value. Ksh. 5,000/- of the value goes to Treasury. We have sent you an email with additional information and we also offer delivery services to any location within East Africa. The quotation that will be sent out will list all the items payable and charges for you to be able to understand what you are paying for and account for all charges. In case of any other queries, please feel free to contact us.
The IDF fees are 2.25% of the Customs value of the car. Kindly note that there was typo, but this has been corrected. The Ksh. 5,000/- comes from the IDF fees and this goes to Treasury.
Kindly check your email Oliver.
Is there a direct email address to get in touch with the author of the article - “Angela” ?
Great piece.
You can reach her by sending to info@kenyacarbazaar.com and including the subject (ATT: ANGELA)
hi guys
i want to import a toyota prius in keeping with the green revolution… what duty does it attract assuming i buy a 2004 or 2005 model, and will i manage to get after sales?
i am importing a 2005 Toyota fielder ex-japan Automatic Transmission /using petrol and a capacity of 1500 cc 7000 usd cif mombasa. please calculate for me the duty
2005 Toyota fielder ex-japan Automatic Transmission /using petrol and a capacity of 1500 cc 7000 usd cif mombasa. please calculate for me the duty
Need to buy T/NZE,below 7yrs in good condition,ranging from 750,000 ASAP
Hi, am importing a Mitsubishi station wagon 2006(3),1500cc, petrol , automatic transmission at $3,500 what duty will i pay.
Hi Patrick, for you to get the cost of duty worked out, please visit out duty calculations page here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and fill out all the required details
Hi Collins, please do go to http://kenyacarbazaar.com/images/calculate_duty.gif, fill in the foam and we will be able to get back to you as soon as possible
Hi there,
I’d like to import a VW Touran, 2000cc, 2005 June YOM, Mini-Van, Auto-Transmission, Petrol.
I’m finding it hard to estimate the duty i’m likely to pay, inclusive of other relevant costs.
Can help with this?
I would like to import VW Golf yr 2006/3. Auto,petrol
Please tell me the amount i expect to pay (taxes, storage, Agent)once the unit lands in Msa port
Do you offer clearing services?
Hi there, we have received your request and will be sending you the response shortly.
I would like to purchase a 1999 Land rover discovery from my friend who works in the UN. How would I calculate the duty? The car was imported into the country 6 years ago but no duty has been paid as it has been owned by UN staff. Any advice would be very welcome.
Asante sana
hy..i am currently confused on the calculations,if i buy a car from japan the FOB price will be $6800..how much would it actualy cost me for importing and clearing the vehicle??and is importing a modified sports car in kenya allowed?
Hi Nishant,
Would you please provide for us the Model, Year and the Engine Capacity.
Hi Laura,
Thank you for using this platform. We are sending you the Duty Calculation.
it would be a 2005 subaru legacy b4..130000km…and 2000cc automatic..if d FOB PRICE is $8627..what would d cost be for the vehicle in kenya..and i was wondering is it allowed to import1998 modified sports car..any model..
ENGINE CC IS 11 000 CC .
Hi Guys,
want to import a Nissan Extrail 2005 make-2000ccs-auto gear-60000km-Quoted 8500 Dollars .Please tell me the likely total cost for Duty,Shipment fee,Clearence fee etc.
Hi Otieno, good to hear from you and also learn how to calculate Duty. with regards to you query, we would like you to visit http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php , fill in the details and submit.
Kindly assist me with duties calculations,
I am shipping a vehicle , JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE,5 SEATER ,PETROL PLNM V8, 4,201.00 CC. HO A REG. 29.01.2005 ex Uk.
Thanks for the guides , it,s such a privilege!
i would like to import a bmw x3 value usd 15,000 cif, 2005 year of manufacture ex japan; what will be total duties payable?
Hi Nyambura, good to hear from you, with regards to you query, we would like you to visit http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php, fill in the details and submit.
Hi. Good reading your column. Id love to import a Mazda Tribute. The last time i cjecked CIF was 5800 Us dollars. Can i import thr you, and how much will it cost me in total till i collect it from your agency in Mombasa. And how long will it take so that i get my vehicle. How are payments done?
Hi. Id love to import a 2006 mazda tribute, 2000 cc. The last time i checked CIF was 6000 Us dollars. How much will be the total cost if i import thr your agency and if i collect it from Mombasa. How long does it take?
Hi Martin, good to hear from you, kindly follow the link http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php, fill and submit
Hi Martin, good to hear from you, kindly follow the link http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php, fill in and submit
Why is it that when a car is imported in Kenya from UKsay of year 2005 and bought beteween Sept and Dec of that year, the duty paid in Kenya is for the year 2006! Is this to do do with UK or Kenya law? Please kindly explain.
Hi Husein, the month of manufacture makes the difference in the Duty calculation, Late month for a 2005 is considered a 2006 early month.
find this additional information with comparison to you state!
Duties and Taxes payable. Import duty at 25%, Excise duty at 20% and VAT at 16% are payable cumulatively and in that order. i.e,
Import duty is 25% of the Customs value (CIF) of the vehicle i.e. 25% of (Invoice value + Insurance + Freight charges)
Excise duty is 20% of (Customs Value + Import Duty)
VAT is 16% of (Customs Value + Import Duty + Excise Duty)
Further, an Import Declaration Fee (IDF) of 2.25% of the CIF is also charged payable in advance on application.
I would like to purchase a 2001 Toyota Rav4 from my friend who works in the UN. How would I calculate the duty? The car was imported into the country 5 years ago but no duty has been paid as it has been owned by UN staff. Any advice would be very welcome.
Hi Rebecca, we have worked out the duty for you.
Hi, I’ve seen this toyota fun cargo on carpricenet.com (japan), its being sold at USD 1027, YR 2001, 1500CC, 124671KM, & automatic transmission. how can I estimate the cost of bringing it in?
Hi Dennis,
In Kenya you are not able to import a vehicle more than 8 years old
Thanks for the information that you have given here. Excellent work indeed! However, I have a question; cars over 8 yeras old aren’t allowed what of an 8 year old car? is there a way of getting 80% depreciation? tafadhali elezea.
Hi Peter, Cars with 8 years old (2005) Get a 70% Depreciation. Kindly note that a 2004 Vehicle cannot be imported.
Hi? Am importing a 2005 volkswagen,golf wagon cost $ 2500,automatic,petrol what will be the clearance at the port mombasa.its from japan please assist.
Thank you Mr. Job. By the way do u offer clearance services? If yes email me details and your charges
Good to hear back from you, i will send you an Email with the Full Details later in the day.
I am importing a Passat FSI 2L Manual. The car was registered in September 2005.
I wanted to find out how much duty i will pay as i am not sure if KRA shall use the 60% or 70% depreciation when calculating the duty.
Hi Kamau, using the details you have provided, the car will be depreciated on the 60% value because it is a September manufacture. We hope that is helpful.
How much duty would I pay for a Audi Q7 bought at ksh 3,000,000
Hi guys am importing a toyota fielder 2005 a 1500cc on a $4000 what will be tha total tax pay en everything and if the car arrives are there any port charges please.
Hi Davis, Kindly do provide the Year of manufacture, body shape and Transmission..
i want to import this
Year / Month 2006/02
Odometer 95,858 km
Displacement 1,490 cc
Steering Right
Transmission Automatic
Fuel Gasoline/Petrol
Model code LA-GD3
can you help me calculate the duty of this car
Registration Year / Month 2006/02
Odometer 95,858 km
Displacement 1,490 cc
Steering Right
Transmission Automatic
Fuel Gasoline/Petrol
Model code LA-GD3
whats the duty
Hi Jack, Good to hear from you, to answer your Query, we have sent you the Duty Calculations.
I am looking forward to importing a Toyota Premio new model that I have seen going for $7,000. Would you let me know the cost in terms of duty and any other costs. Please send me a breakdown of how the calculations are done as per the information you had posted in your website.
I’d really appreciateyour assistance. Thanks
Hi Ibrahim, we will need additional details about the car in order to work out the duty, kindly visit our duty calculations page and enter the required details to get the cost breakdown. Here is the link: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
i would like to import a Subaru legacy Wagon year: 2005 May. If this vehicle arrives in mombasa in May will the duty calculations be based on 6-7yrs or 7-8 yrs depreciation. Please email me your fees if you do clearance for this unit.
Hi Mutai, with regards to your question, the duty will be pegged on the 8 year depreciation which is 70%. If you would like to get an accurate work out of the duty, then follow the link provided and fill out the details to get it sent out to you. Here is the link: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Dear Sir /Madam,
I am writing this mail to get some info about importing car from japan. I need bit more info about how dose kenya charge duty
25% of the amount as – Import Duty
20% of the amount + Import Duty as - Excise Duty
Can you please tel me this 20% excise duty is on the value of car or value of car +custom duty then 20% excise
As I got few more things to ask
1) I understand that i can only import 8 year old car is this right?
2) Who can Import a car is it have to be Kenyan citizen or ???
3) how much will you charge to clear my car
4) Engine size or model or make makes any diffident in fee?
5) how long dose it takes to clear car after reaching Mombasa port ?
6) what is CRSP (Current Retail Selling Price)
how dose it effect on my import car?
if it is possible to tell me what would i pay in total on 2000$ value car
Dear Sohail, working out the duty on your car is not as simple as it may appear. We ourselves use a system provided by K.R.A. to work out the duty since the calculations are complex, but to answer your first question, all the calculations are based on the CRSP (Current Retail Sale Price) value of the car which is the cost of the car from a show room (i.e. brand new). Onto your next questions;
1). The age limit for car importation is 8 years (ie. 2005 or newer)
2). Anyone can import a car into Kenya as long as you have a PIN Number and a passport or ID. We can process your application for a PIN number if need be.
3). Our agency fee charges for clearance are Ksh. 20,000/-
4). Yes, the engine size, fuel type, body shape, model, make, year, all affect the total cost of duty payable.
5). It takes us between 3-4 working day to clear the car from the port if we manage the process from start to end.
6). The CRSP definition has been explained at the top.
7). CRSP is what is used to determine the amount of duty payable
To get the cost of duty payable on your car, kindly follow this link here and fill out the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen ,
I am importing a Mercedes CLS 350 ex -UK and would like to know if there are any extra statutory Govt - K R A ( taxes above the usual 25 % Import Duty , 20% Excise Duty , 16 % VAT & 2.25 % IDF fee + PORT CHARGES + CFS + miscellaneous charges ) considering the fact that the car has a 3500 cc engine .
The main issue here is the engine capacity - big petrol engine of 3.5 liters .
Are there penalties / taxes levied on big engine luxury cars such as this under reference ?
Regards & Best Wishes to all of you .
from Myles
Hi Ladies & Gentlemen,
I would like to know if big engine luxury cars like Mercedes CLS 350 with a 3500 cc engine will attract an extra tax levied by Govt of Kenya - KRA - I am aware and know of 25 % Import Duty , +20 % Excise Duty for used cars not over 8 years + 2.25 %IDF fee + 16 % VAT + other miscellaneous charges eg CFS , Delivery Order , clearing agent fee customs port charges , etc .
HI Myles, replying to your query, yes a bigger engine capacity will attract extra tax according to how the calculations are done with the KRA system. If you would like to get the total cost of the car you are importing, please follow this link and fill in all the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi, I would like to import a. mazda frm UK.just to make my calculations right as I understand th duty was increased, what the duty for this particular vehicle.
YEAR 2005 /7
Hello Isaac, good to hear from you, kindly do follow this link http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hello Mr Isaac ,
Importing a 1.3 liter Mazda from the UK will end up being very costly for you considering freight charges from the country of origin to Mombasa Port .
I highly recommend you source from Japan where small engine capacity vehicles are very cheap .
You can contact reliable dealers like IBC Japan .
Check for cars on http://www.ibcjapan.co.jp .
You pay them from anywhere in the world and just give them address to send car . They will do as per your instructions and send you the shipping documents + logbook .
No problems if you deal with with IBC Japan .
I don’t earn any commission from them but I have dealt with them in the past and they have superb vehicle export service and good cars too.
All the best in your endeavors .
Regards & Good Day .
Hi, thanx for ua msg about the mazda
bt I dnt mind th shipping charges from UK.
hae,What about imports from U.K.how is it F.O.B calculated.
Hello Sir/Madam
First I must appreciate the good work you are doing. I have also noted that you provide clearance services at good rates and once I am ready to get my car from Japan I will engage your services for sure.
I would like to know if I am allowed to import a car manufactured within 2005 regardless of the month or I have to mind the month. Thank you.
I want to import mazda demio 1300 cc yom 2005 or toyota ist 1300cc yom 2005. What will be total duty payable for either the two cars?
Dear Kennedy, With regards to your query, we can assist you with the importation process, clearing it from the port of Mombasa, have it registered as well as organize for delivery to a destination of your choice anywhere in East Africa. please follow the link provided below and fill in all the required details for us to send you the total cost of having the car on our Kenyan roads. http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Looking forward to doing business with you and in case of any other queries, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Dear Isaac, With regards to your query, Yes you can import a 2005 regardless of the month, we can assist you with the importation process, clearing it from the port of Mombasa, have it registered as well as organize for delivery to a destination of your choice anywhere in East Africa. please follow the link provided below and fill in all the required details for us to send you the total cost of having the car on our Kenyan roads. http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Looking forward to doing business with you and in case of any other queries, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Am importing a Mazda Demio. details on http://royal-trading.jp/my-cgi/rtrading_stock-dip.cgi/MAZDA/DEMIO/DBA-DY3W/CASUAL/11502D/005__017__2006__2010____1____________0________/
what will my total duty be?
Hi Mercy, kindly follow the link provided below to fill in the details in order for us to work out the duty for you.
was wondring if you would kindly tell me how much tax i would have to pay for my BMW 325 Year 2007 diesel. i bought it for 1000 (one thousand) euros.
hi. im importing a BMW 325 DIESEL ENGINE 2007. it cost me 1000 euros. (one thousand) can you please tell me how much tax i wil have to pay.
Hi Kiki, kindly follow the link provided below to fill in the details in order for us to work out the duty for you.
Hi Brenda, kindly follow the link provided below to fill in the details in order for us to work out the duty for you.
There’s a pal selling a BMW e46,that has an M series body, anyone interested?
There’s a pal who’s selling his BMW e46 that has a M series body. Would you happen to know anyone interested…More details for interested parties, its a really awesome ride and its black!
I am currently importing a car into Kenya. The clearing agent that I have contracted tells me that since it was registered in Sept 2005, I’ll pay higher duty because it is geting her in June. Is this accurate information?
Hello Wanyinyi, Kindly do send Photos(6) and the Details to info@kenyacarbazaar.com
include contacts and the price.
Yes it will depriciate to 60% from 70%….it is considered a 2006 Model, Late month of manufacture.
I am to import a toyota filder from Japan,1490cc. The car will be getting to mombasa sometime mid next.
Kindly send me the duty payable and all other cost to be incured until the car is delivered to me in Nairobi. Let the quotation that will be sent to me list all the items payable and charges for me to be able to understand what I will be paying for and account for all charges.
Best regards,
Hi Mutie, kindly follow the link provided below to fill in the details in order for us to work out the duty for you.
What averagely can be paid as duty to import a Rangerover with the following specs into Uganda:
Type SUV/ 4WD Reg. Year 1998/Oct
Distance 83,000 km
Transmission Automatic 4WD
Steering Right Hand Drive
EngineSize 4.6 L
Fuel Petrol
Electronic Fuel Injection
Power Steering, AntiLock Brakes, Airbag,Air Conditioning, Power Window, Power Mirror, Central Locking, Leather seats, Alloy Wheels, SunRoof, Cruise Control
I am planning to import a Nissa tiida Latio from Japan. The car is a 2009, automatic, cost $8,000. Please give me a break down of the clearance costs and TOTAL cost for the clearance. Thank you.
My email address is dalizum@yahoo.com.
Hi Stephen, kindly follow the link provided below to fill in the details in order for us to work out the duty for you.
Hello again, I once saw your comment indicating IBC japan as one of the sources that one could possibly look at for a car. i identified some car on tradecarview.com is it one that people you have helped in clearance source from or is it a stranger to your years of experience.
hello there, i am planning to purchase a subaru wrx sti 2006 model from Japan for S1,729,304, could you please tell me how much it will cost to me additionally for clearing, vat, etc. ps i would like to how much i will pay in order to drive off with the car from Mombasa port. One more thing, I read that we are not allowed to import cars which are older than 8 years to Kenya, but is there any way to do so if i needed an older car from let’s Japan. Thank you
hello there, i am planning to purchase a subaru wrx sti 2006 model from Japan for S1,729,304, could you please tell me how much it will cost me additionally for clearing, vat, etc. ps i would like to how much i will pay in order to drive off with the car from Mombasa port. One more thing, I read that we are not allowed to import cars which are older than 8 years to Kenya, but is there any way to do so if i needed an older car from ‘let’s say'(word correction) Japan. Thank you
I am returing home after serving in a diplomatic mission for 5 years,will my car which I have used for over two years be subjected to the 8 year old rule?
Thank you
Hi can you please assist me in the calculation of import duties of a Subaru Impreza Model : GD2 Mileage: 149,500 km Engine Displacement : 1500cc Transmission : Manual Year of Registration : 2006/02 F.O.B : US$ 2,923 Shipping : US$ 1,087.
I would like to import honda stepwagon of 2005/2 worth $3900 to Mombasa port from Japan. Help me calculate the tax payments so that I can use them for other units too. Show me an example.
If i want to import a Toyota premio 1800cc year 2005 & the FOB is usd 8516 from japan. what is the duty im supposed to pay for.
i am importing a 2005 Toyota Raum from Japan with 1500cc, Automatic Transmission and uses petrol at a cost of Usd. 5,750.
What will the duty and other clearance charges be?
I reside in S Africa and will be going to Nairobi for 3 year assignment. I have a BMW in S Africa which I own for last 18 months. If I bring it to Kenya, will I have to pay duty? Kindly advise. If duty is payable, also advise what will be the amount of duty. It’s a BMW sedan, petrol, right hand drive, 2007 nov model, 4800cc.
I will be importing a subaru legacy B4 2005,2000cc c&f 5000USD. How much will be the duty,port fees & clearance fee.
Hi, I am importing a Mazda Axela Ksh 400000, how much is the duty?
Total duty cost of clearing a nissan wingroad 1500cc 2005 march
Surprised to know that pple like you still exist. This is a great work you are doing here. Most of us lay-men are now knowledgeable and not so easily dupe-able.
hie am importing a subaru touring legacy wagon. from japan cost 3185usd
how much is my duty on that vehicle and are they any extra charges associted with
hi, i want to import a 2005 subaru legacy touring wagon but am seeing them writen on the specs as july 16th 2012 is the expiry date they are selling to me at 3665 dollars what duty am i supposed to pay as and pliz if you dont mind give me the ultimate figure for the car to be mine “bei ya mwisho”,en pliz traet ma mail as urgent coz i dont understand what they mean for expiry,thanks in advance
Am planning to import. A toyota hiache 14 seater how much is the. Total. Cost of. Clearing the car upto inside kenya? Be a aproximate or give a range like from a certain ammount to such ammount
Hi is http://www.tradecarview.com a reliable website? I have seen some vehicles on their website that I am interested in and just wondering since I donot want conmen.
Hi Wambui, Tradecarview is a portal that has been in existence for a long time and it basically has a lot of dealers across Asia who deal in exportation of motor vehicles and parts. The website in itself is reliable, but some of the listed companies on the website are fraud. The only way to be safe on http://www.tradecarview.com is by doing business with companies that are PayTrade registered and making your payments through PayTrade.
The details you have provided us with are not sufficient to work out the total cost of duty. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hi Victor, the details you have provided us with are not sufficient to work out the total cost of duty. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
We will need additional information since the details provided are not sufficient to work out the total cost of duty. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Sorry for the late reply Apurva. For starters, if you are coming into Kenya as an expatriate then you will not have to pay duty, but there are some charges that are payable like Port handling fees, CFS charges, delivery order, etc. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
We need some more information about your car. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hey we need additional details of the car to work out the duty. Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hi Alex, kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hi Murithi, your comment was overlooked and I would like to apologize for the oversight. To get the costs, kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hi Ruth, kindly visit the page provided below and fill in all the required details for us to get you the exact calculations;
Hi Erick, can you let us know whether you got assisted on this
Hi Israel, can you let us know whether you got assisted on this
Hi Lawrence, just like all comes being imported into Kenya, your car will be subject to the 8 year rule
Hi there, did you get any response on this?
How much is the KRA duty (cheque amount written to KRA) of a 2005 1500cc Nissan Tiida Latio which may cost in Japan $4,500.
Thanking you.
Hi Benjamin, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
What is the total importation cost (import duty, excise duty, VAT, IDP fee etc.) for a Toyota Premio Dec 2005 with 2000cc engine?
Hi Angela,
iwant you to please calculate the total cost tha am gonna pay at the port keeping in mind that am getting it for 1,581USD being
a 1000c.c,right hand,petrol and automatic car.The year is 1998.Please tell me how much i will pay to get the car in Nakuru.
Hello. Am importing Toyota harrier 2005/september 2.4l. Whats estimated duty.
i am importing a Honda CRV from the uk- what duty will it attrat and how can i verify those selling it are genuine before i pay. i would want to know if the price is fair too. is there a list of certified companies existing?
How long does it take for a car to reach kenya after it has been laden into the ship and how much do i expect to spend before its fully cleared.the car is a toyota fielder,2005 make.
I am importing a subaru legacy 2006/5, 2000cc, hatchback, automatic & petrol. How much will the duty come to?
i am interested in a vitz i saw on the internet, 2005, auto, at 279000. are you in a position to advise me how much i will pay at the end of the day? from importing it to registration etc? kindly advise
Kindly help me in calculating the duty payable to KRA, because I want to import a subaru legacy station wagon worth USD3850, year 2005, 2000cc, petrol engine, automatic transmission.
Hi Abiola, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Bonnie, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi James, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Wanjiku, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Connie, It takes the Vessel about 30 days to Dock to the Port of Mombasa.
Kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Mark, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Daisy, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Christopher, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Latio. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Importing a car from Japan landing Thursday. Don’t have a good quote for clearing, can u give me a Quote? Its a 2005 fielder 1500 cc. All costs plus delivery to nrb.
Good. i’d wish to know the saloon car costing USD 1050 will attract how much charges
for clearance at the port.
Hi,if i wanted to import a motorbike worth 300,000, does the same law on cars apply on the bikes,and how much will i pay as import duty…hit my email
no, i have not received any response to the above, in fact i was visiting the site again just to check if there was any response to my 2 month old inquiry, i hope you will reply quicker this time round. thanks
Hi Joseph, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the motorbike. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Joseph, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Saloon car. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi Vicky, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the Toyota Fielder. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hello there, I just read thru this thread and saw that vehicles 8 years and older are not permitted for importation in Kenya. Now I just purchased mine from Japan, Nissan Elgrand, 1999, 2WD, Petrol, 3,270cc, Automatic, 8-seater Van and destination in Kampala-Uganda. Would it be allowed to transit thru Kenya, and would you be able to do the clearing for me? And at what cost?
Thanks for the prompt response.
I need to import a mazda demio of 2006 Jan,1300 cc, auto and uses petrol.How much would it attract in duty?
Hi Bob, we have reverted to your querry via DE.
Hi pliz advice me on importing a car from Tokyo Japan. the make is VW, Model is Golf. the CIF is USD 4200. Lemmi know the calculations of the import duties and total sum of the vehicle. thanks
Hi Dorothy, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the requested car. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
How much are the port charges for importing a truck head worth Kshs. 1350000.00
I want to import a used Mazda truck from Japan. It was manufactured in 2005 and it’s model is Bongo class TC-SK82T. The sale price oversees is $3900.
Please help me determine the total cost of procuring the truck.
Hi Pauline, kindly visit our duty calculations page and provide us with all the required details so that we can be able to get you the correct calculations for the requested car. Here is the link to submit the details: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Hi there.
I brought in my car 3 years ago and did not pay duty on it as im expat and part of the perks were you can bring a car in duty free. Now im leaving kenya and want to sell my car. Is there a duty that needs to be paid by the buyer?
Does any1 know of a good agent that I could use to import cars?for reselling?
hi guys,i would you to assist me on importing 2 cars: avensis estate white in color ,automatic, 1500cc and 1800cc respectively, YOM 2005.May i know how much i need to have inorder to import them to Mombasa port and then to nrb?
I am importing a 2006(December) Subaru Impreza with 85k kilometres, automatic, petrol 1500cc, price 43000USD.
What will the duty be?
I am importing a Mitsubishi outlander 2006 model at USD 11,000.
What will be the cost of duty?
Duty for hino heavy commercial tipper double drive 2005 month 6 12000 cc
What will be the total cost for clearing a Nissan Note 2005 valued at US$. 2500 CIF? Thanks
i want to import a Jaguar X-Type 2.0d Classic 4dr Diesel Saloon 2005 from the UK. Could you kindly calculate for me: shipping costs, duties and taxes and clearing fees upto the point of taking delivery at the port of mombasa and how long it should take to arrive in the country.
Thank you
I wish to import a toyota belta 2006 model, its a sedan, the engine capacity is 1000cc, Atomatic Transimision , Petrol propelled. I have found one that goes for USD5100. Please break it down for me so that i may get to understand how much i will be required to pay at the port before my car is handed over to me.
Dear Sir
I am sadiksha from TQM Japan. We are an exporter of japanese
car and machines from Japan.We would like to invite you to visit our
website http://www.tqmbazaar.com
For more information contact us as below:
Sadiksha Dallakoti
1-4-13 Touei-Cho, Kita-Ku, Niigata-Shi, 950-3323, Niigata, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)25-388-3081, Fax: +81-(0)25-388-3081
Email: sadiksha.dallakoti@tqmbazaar.com
Website: http://www.tqmbazaar.com
Skype: tqmjapan.marketing
i have had of FOB and CIS prices what are the meaning like i want to import toyota corrolla costing USD 6000
how much import duty will i pay for a NZE toyota fielder 2006 march model.
i want to start importing cars and i a client who wants a subaru WRX and its 22,700 usd what would be the duty? please help?
am importing a nisan tilda latio year 2006/2 atomatic at usd 3500 how much duty will it be?
I would to import a Nissan Primera which they are selling at $2070, 1800cc, year of manufacture 2005, Automatic, Sudan body. please calculate for me the the import duty of the car. thanks for any assistance.
i want to import a 2007 Subaru impreza wrx and its cost 14,450. what is the tax cost because i here they got different taxes. please help with its calculation?
i might by importing a car 2009 | Toyota Land Cruiser from cyprus fuel gasoline 5.7L v8 32v MPFI DOHC TRANSMISION Automatic ..but clearing it at the msa port is the most difficiut thing i think it will be..which is the best copany could hel in clearing i mean on the regestering the car to kenya and the insuarance stuff?…and what might be the chages of clearing th 2009 | Toyota Land Cruiser?
Can you give me an idea how much the duty would be on a Toyota Panel Van 2500cc Diesel 2006/7 manual import from Durban via Zambia to Kenya?
I wanted to get a car worth 350,000 and its duty isn’t paid its make is Mitsubishi Lancer for 2006.How much will i pay for its duty?
why or how would u advice….importing a car directly to buying 1 localy…pls visit all factors…cost….time….claims…conviniency…can u site posted market seeds…
hello, please help me understand better how i will be charged on duty when i buy a new car eg. a new toyota harrier from japan.thank you
Kindly how much can l pay as customs duty, & other charges at the port of mombasa for a car valued at CIF
ksh200,000 ?
P. Mbayi.
Hi, kindly assit me in calculating how much I will eventually spend on importing a toyota passo 2006, 1000cc to kenya, i did my own calculations and I was shocked how much cheaper it was. that withstanding, I know it will stilll cost me more probably cpz of some “hidden charges or something”……
And do yo know a site I can get a good car and get it here in good conditioned and not switched or vandelized??
What is the total cost of a car, CIF in mombasa, $ 6,800, 2006 August including registration costs.
am importing a toyota mackx at a cost of 4700 what will be the duty,and is there more costs like for registration number.thanks,
What would be the total duty of importing a Toyota Passo 1295cc, 2006 June year
i am planing on importing a Mitsubishi lancer wagon(cedia) from japan.
Details of the car included; 1800cc, 2006/January and the actual CIF is 3300$. i would like to know the duty payable.
kind regards
I stumbled upon this via Bing. This site appears excellent.
hi! tanx alot 4 ua information,mch appreciated!hav a qstn,i want to import a mazda familia dx 1500cc from japan at 2000$ cif,OR a toyota passo 1000cc 2100$cif. wat would be the import duty charged for each car.tanx ! God bless!
i want to buy a pajero from a friend in uganda she is leaving the country and selling it at a throw away price. what is the procedure for importing cars from uganda and kindly include anything else i need to know. thanks.
Hi Mabele, as cheap as it may appear to buy the car from Uganda, you will end up spending more money in terms of duty and local government taxes. You have to consider the fact that when she imported the car to Uganda, she had to pay for taxes on the car in Uganda, then when bringing the car into Kenya, you will also have to pay for taxes in Kenya. The best option would be to bring it into the country with a renewal permit (i.e. 3months or 6 months renewal) while retaining the Ugandan number plates.
In addition to this, before importing it into Kenya, you will have to make sure that it falls within the 8 year rule (i.e. 2006 or newer) otherwise you will not be allowed to bring it into Kenya, unless you retain the Ugandan Number plates and get the renewal permit from KRA.
Hyy ,
I have imported a BMW 118i 2006/3 model , 2000cc petrol . Can I get some help of how much will the duty be aprox. .
Hi there, just check your email for the duty calculations as per your request.
i am importing a 2006 (7) Toyota Wish from Japan with 1800cc, Automatic Transmission and uses petrol at a cost of Usd. 6,000.
What will the duty be?
I want toimport a 2006 Toyota passo someone please help me calculate the import duty
Hello I’m planning on importing a 2006 Toyota passo 1000cc with 61000 mileage…costing 380000 pliz help me calculate the import duty thanks
i am importing a Nissan Tiida
year 2006/2
engine cap 1490cc
automatic transmission
cif 3679
petrol use.
how much duty will i pay for it
Am planning to import a honda stream 1700cc, 2106, may, 64,000km,
cif usd 4,400. to mombasa. How much is it gonna cost me? Kindly assist
Warm regards
sorry year 2006 May
I’m wondering if your could help me with an on the road price for a 2011 Nissan Juke automatic, with about 30,oookm
Thank you in advance.
Hi, Kindly help with Calculation of the duty fee, port fee & all KRA plus clearance fees applicable cost for this Car:
1. Polo Model GH-9NBKY
2. Year of Manufacture March 2006
3. 1400 cc
4. Mileage 58982
5. Imported at a Cost of (CIF) Khs 360,000
Hi, Kindly help with Calculation of the duty fee, port fee & all KRA plus clearance fees applicable cost for this Car:
1. Polo Model GH-9NBKY
2. Year of Manufacture March 2006
3. 1400 cc
4. Mileage 58982
5. CIF of 360k
5. Imported at a Cost of (CIF) Khs 360,000
i have imported a Mitsubishi lancer wagon(cedia) from japan.
Details of the car included; 1800cc, 2006/June and the actual CIF is US$2300. i would like to know the duty payable.
kind regards
how much is the cost of duty to clear a Nissan fuga , petrol, year 2006 from Mombasa to nairobi
I would like to import a Toyota Hiace van 2500 cc 2007,June 145000km,diesel,automatic.price is 10500 US Dollars and CIF is 1500 US Dollars.Kindly assist.
We now have a free duty calculation app that gets you the cost of duty instantly here: http://kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
HI Anthony, you can try out our new duty calculation tool here: http://kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php.
It is free of charge and you get your results instantly.
Hi Eric, you can try out our new duty calculation application which is both free and you get the duty charges instantly. The link is provided below;
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
Hi there, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
What is the cost of clearing an xtrail from japan cif 5500 GBP. 2000 cc. petrol.
Hi Lucy, we now have an online application that makes duty calculation for cars coming into Kenya a breeze. Simply follow the link provided below and enter the required details to get the calculations done for you instantly.
- http://kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
Kindly let us know if you get any problems and we shall assist you.
Hi once again, I have just realised that you want to import a Nissan X-Trail from Japan although the price you have listed is in British Pounds. Look into this to avoid getting ripped off. Contact us on info[at]kenyacarbazaar.com for assistance or alternative quotations for a similar unit.
Thank you for the detailed info and explanation.
What about taxes on bikes?
Would like to import a new sports bike that costs $5,499.
How will this be taxed?
Hi Evanson, you can get your duty calculations completed online through our new duty calculation app that is free and it provides you with the complete cost of duty and clearing immediately. Try it out here: http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php and leave a comment at the bottom.
@CarGuru already did that, haven’t gotten a response
Ho Evanson, just following up on your enquiry, you will need to visit the Duty Calculations page provided (http://www.kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php) and enter the necessary details. The under Motor vehicle Body Type, select Motorcycle, its very simple. Try reading the instructions at the top
@Admin I already did that, the site calculator doesn’t have the make or model of the bike am looking for, Kawasaki 300R
hi i wanted to do a vehicle search was told to download a form which am unable to find even on your website.kindly advice.
Hi Edwardo, we have already sent you an email to this. Simply provide us with the car registration number and make the payment then we will have it ready for you within 24 hours.
Calculation for a 2009 BMW 520i comes to 1.4M. It is more than the cost and Freight charges? The cost is 6500 GBP + 755 freight. cost +freight is about 1.1M. Is the 1.4M true figure?
Hi there,
Your calculation for the 2009 BMW could be right, but you can try using our free online duty calculator. The link is provided below;
- http://kenyacarbazaar.com/importing/duty_calculations.php
I would like to import Toyota belta from Japan selling at 1190usd 1300cc year 2007. Please calculate for me the amount I should have to have the car in Kenya Mombasa. Mileage over 100k.
hi am importing a suzuki alto of $1350 from japan year 2010, 660 cc please may you calculate for me total cash i need to have from saler to drive
Hi there, sorry for the late response. Please follow the link to where you can be able to calculate duties for all car imports into Kenya.
– http://kenyacarbazaar.com/kra-import-duty-caclulator/
Hi there, sorry for the late response. Please follow the link to where you can be able to calculate duties for all car imports into Kenya.
– http://kenyacarbazaar.com/kra-import-duty-caclulator/
There has been some changes. Is it possible to get the an updated article? I can get somebody to do it.
Thanks for the information, I was trying to understand all these but this article have made me to. Thanks and God bless.
Thanks for the info. The IDF fee not very clear.
I am to import a toyota filder from Japan,1490cc, manufacture 2012/6
Kindly send me the duty payable and all other cost to be incured until the car is delivered to me in Nairobi. Let the quotation that will be sent to me list all the items payable and charges for me to be able to understand what I will be paying for and account for all charges.
Best regards,