Kamwaro Supports Driving Tests.

FORMER Traffic and Licensing Board Chairman Hassan ole Kamwaro has supported the move to introduce mandatory re-testing driving for all drivers.
Kamwaro said many drivers have never attended any driving school but have driving licenses. Kamwaro said the drivers are to be blame for road accidents because they disregard the law.
“About 85 percent of the accidents that occur are caused by human error and competent drivers should be allowed in our roads,” Kamwaro said.
He was addressing reporters in Narok town yesterday, Kamwaro said mandatory re-testing will eliminate drivers who got licenses illegaly. He said the reforms will rid the transport sector of rogue drivers.
“The drivers who will pass the driving tests will be issued with new smart driving licenses that will dramatically change the way Kenyans drive and stem the rising tide of road carnage,” he said.
Kamwaro said the biometric registration will bring to end cartels in the industry. He urged matatu operators to obey traffic rules ahead of Christmas season.
He said most of the accidents which occurred during this season are as a result of careless driving and not complying with the traffic rules.
Kamwaro advised the matatu operators to comply with the traffic rules to avert road carnage. He appealed to Kenyans not to board vehicles which are full and instead help police bring sanity in the sector and this will save loss of lives through road carnage.
News Source: theSTAR